The Arlingtones is an award-winning non-profit a cappella chorus located in and singing throughout the Northwest suburbs of Chicago.
We sing all types of music in four-part harmony. The music sung ranges from traditional barbershop to Broadway to contemporary. The Arlingtones Chorus puts on a Spring show and a Christmas show and sings at various community events. The Chorus or its quartets can also be hired for special events ranging from an hour or more to the singing of the National Anthem for events. The Chorus puts an emphasis on both music and sociability; we are a fun group! We are open to and welcome singers of all ages, genders, and levels of expertise. We are the Arlington Heights chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, with a rich history dating back to 1952! |
John Davis has been a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society for over 30 years. He is a graduate of Illinois State University with a Master's degree in Vocal Performance. During the course of his barbershop career, he has performed at the International Competitions for BHS as both a chorus member and a quartet member. He has also been an Illinois District quartet champion twice, singing with Chronicle in 2013 and Union Station in 2015.
John is happy to direct the Arlingtones, an award-winning barbershop chorus. He is using his musical experience and infectious enthusiasm to improve the vocal quality of the chorus through great music, while making rehearsals and performances fun. |
Come join us every Monday evening!
We rehearse at the First United Methodist Church of Palatine at 123 North Plum Grove Road in Palatine Monday nights at 6:30 pm in the Wesley Center - through the parking lot (East) entrance and at the end of the hall to your right.
Guests are always welcome! For more information on our chorus, please contact Calvin Cheng at (847) 387-7075.
We will also Zoom the rehearsal (link as of 6/24/2022):
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 2904 8412
Passcode: 113853
Via phone: +13092053325,,83329048412#,,,,*113853# US
After each Monday rehearsal, we are likely to "afterglow" at a nearby establishment - perhaps Lamplighter Bar & Grill, Emmitt's, Tap House Grill, or JL's Pizza & Sports Bar - and enjoy fellowship, music, and perhaps a beverage.
We rehearse at the First United Methodist Church of Palatine at 123 North Plum Grove Road in Palatine Monday nights at 6:30 pm in the Wesley Center - through the parking lot (East) entrance and at the end of the hall to your right.
Guests are always welcome! For more information on our chorus, please contact Calvin Cheng at (847) 387-7075.
We will also Zoom the rehearsal (link as of 6/24/2022):
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 2904 8412
Passcode: 113853
Via phone: +13092053325,,83329048412#,,,,*113853# US
After each Monday rehearsal, we are likely to "afterglow" at a nearby establishment - perhaps Lamplighter Bar & Grill, Emmitt's, Tap House Grill, or JL's Pizza & Sports Bar - and enjoy fellowship, music, and perhaps a beverage.